Sælges: Build and Detail Model Cars.

7330 Blåhøj, Danmark

DKK 295,00


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Build and Detail Model Cars Like a Pro
128 siders spændende læsning,
Ny pæn Ex.
Evt. porto tilkommer,
Pris: 295,-kr.

This highly illustrated guide to assembling, detailing and customizing model cars presents ten chapters covering plastic model kits ranging from muscle cars to lowriders, race cars, hot rods and pickups.
Each project addresses a different set of techniques representing skill levels that grow more advanced as the book progresses,
from assembling and painting a muscle car right out of the box to building a hot rod complete with fuel lines and plug wires.
The step-by-step photos illustrate all of the skills and techniques described.
Terry Jessee's writing has appeared in Boy's Life, Scale Model Enthusiast and several other magazines.
He is also the author of MBI's "Hot Rod Model Kits."



Sdr.Ommevej 42
7330 Blåhøj

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